Chapter 8: The fourth man – God is always there

It’s easy to feel alone when we experience grief, anxiety or change and we don’t always feel God is with us in those moments. When that happened to Shadrach and his friends, they found comfort in knowing the promise of Scripture that God is always with us, and later saw what God had been doing.

See stories from B (aged 6) Anna, Bethan and Rachel below.

When Anna had to have an emergency caesarean section, she was all alone – but then found that God made all the difference.

I was pregnant and in hospital as my baby wasn’t growing properly. They did some monitoring and found that the baby was really in distress and had to take me immediately for a caesarean, to get the baby out. Because of the situation with covid, I was on my own without my husband or any friends or family with me. In my head, I asked God to be near to me. He reminded me of a special place that I had spent time with him whilst doing some chat and catch. I didn’t feel like he said that the baby would be okay or that I would be okay but I felt a deep, deep sense of his peace that whatever happened He would be with me, that I wasn’t alone and that we would do this together. I saw the head nurse the next day and she said she has never seen somebody seem so calm and peaceful in that situation.


B (6) Felt God with her.

When I was alone by myself in my bed in the dark, I suddenly felt like someone was hugging me and I just knew that God was there to help me. I felt like he told me that the word ‘alone’ shouldn’t exist because you never really are.


When her friend died, God comforted B (aged 6).

I was feeling really sad because one of my friends had died. I was talking to God about it and I heard words in my head that said ‘She’s in a better place than Earth’. I felt a lot safer, happier and calmer after that.


Bethan shares how when she was bullied at school, she discovered Jesus was right there with her.


Rachel describes what God did when she had to have an MRI.


Steel worker on a blast furnace by mbz-photodesign via Canva Pro