Upcoming events

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We host online and in-person events, as well as speaking and exhibiting at other events and conferences.

Keep up to date with upcoming events by joining our email list or browse below to see when we are next near you.

Parenting for Faith training


The Parenting for Faith Courses on Zoom

Each of the four Parenting for Faith courses are available on this website for you to watch or run at your leisure. There is no charge for this to allow free access for all but we greatly welcome donations to make this possible.

We also run each course once a year online so you have the opportunity to join with others and have the course facilitated for you. These are bookable via brfonline.org.uk. For the original, babies and toddlers and teens courses a booking covers an entire group or church. We charge £10 per group per session however many people attend. So you don’t need to know exact numbers and the more people you invite the better value it is! The Parenting as a Church Leader course can be booked by individuals, couples of groups.

Original Parenting for Faith course

Parents and carers are perfectly positioned to help their children meet and know God. But sometimes we struggle to know how to do that. This course goes through five key tools which can be implemented in any family situation, with any age children.

The next original Parenting for Faith course on zoom will run on Thursday evenings. It will run for eight weeks and will be on 6, 13, 20, 27 March, 3 April then there will be a two week break for Easter and it will resume on 24 April and continue on 1 and 8 May. Find out more about it here.

Book now

Babies and Toddlers course

Right from their very earliest days, babies and toddlers can meet and know God.

Parents and carers get to be a key part of helping them to do that, and churches, friends and family all make up the supportive community that encourages and equips them on the journey. This course is best for parents and carers of under fives. It is suitable for those new to or just exploring faith, as well as those with an active faith themselves, so can be used in a baby or toddler group.

The next babies and toddlers course on zoom will run for four afternoons in June, 1.30 – 2.30pm. But you don’t have to wait until then, you can run your own.

Parenting Teens course

As children grow and change so does the way that we parent them. This course applies the key tools to the preteen and teen years and is suitable for parents and carers of children aged ten or older.

The next Parenting Teens course on zoom will run on Friday nights, 7.30 – 9pm in the Autumn term – 3, 10, 17 October and 7, 14 and 21 November. But you don’t have to wait until then, you can run your own.

Parenting as a Church Leader course

Parenting as a church leader requires unique skills and choices, and it can feel like a lonely journey. Join other church leaders for an online day designed especially for you – as a parent. The course covers how to help your children feel connected, prioritised, covered and empowered and is suitable for anyone in a leadership position  (main church leaders, chilren’s youth and family leaders, worship leaders etc) and their spouses.

The next Parenting as a Church Leader day on zoom will be on 9 October 2025 – we will post details here when booking is open. We run this as a day event within school hours. Alternatively you can watch the course online.

The Forge Gatherings

The Forge Gatherings are online or residential retreats for local children’s, youth and families’ leaders (both paid and voluntary) hosted by the Parenting for Faith team.

The next online gathering will be on 20 – 21 May and the next Residental Forge gathering will be on 23 – 25 September near Bristol. Further details and a booking link will be posted here shortly.

Find out more

The Qualification

The Certificate in Parenting for Faith course in association with Cliff College is available as an online course.

Designed to stretch, inform and inspire those working in a professional or voluntary capacity with children, young people and families in churches, this course will equip you to successfully support parents and carers as they disciple their children and explore what parenting for faith might look like in your church and community.

Find out more

External events

Here are the events we’ll be speaking and presenting at during 2025.

Hand in Hand Conference

7-9 February, West Bromwich

The UK’s only conference dedicated exclusively to church children’s work. Parenting for Faith will be exhibiting in the exhibition area and leading two seminars on different aspects of family discipleship.

Book here

New Wine Leadership Conference

25-27 February, Harrogate

Come and say hello to us in the exhibition space! Browse our books and chat to us about how we could boost your church’s children’s, youth and family ministry.

Book here