Parenting teens course

Thanks to generous donations, in May and June 2023 we were able to film a specific course for parents and carers of teenagers.

You can view and download the course from this page that you’re currently viewing. Any church or individual is welcome to view and run the course for free, although we welcome ‘pay it forwards’ donations to enable us to continue making this quality content accessible to all.

We cannot produce these courses and resources without the generosity of people like you, who believe that children’s discipleship starts in the home. If you’d like to partner with us by making a one-off donation we need for future courses and resources, you can do so here. Thank you.

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Scroll down to view the course and watch the trailer below:



There is a handbook for leaders. This includes some one page handouts for participants. If you would like to download these handouts separately you can do so below. There is a choice of pdf handouts or editable pdf handouts.

Download the Parenting Teens leaders handbook    Download the pack of participant handouts  Download the editable pack of participants handouts

Register your course

Finally, please don’t forget to register your course with us! This means that we will be able to pray for you, and it also helps us show donors the impact of our work.


Other resources for parents and carers of teenagers

  • Parenting Teens for a Life of Faith, the book by Rachel Turner
  • The teenagers section on our website has a variety of resources. Here you’ll find stories from those who parent or have parented teenagers, as well as articles to help you approach different topics and ponder your next steps with your teen.

Session 1: God's plan for teens

An overview of how teens differ from children, the role of parents and carers and ‘creating windows’ – a simple tool to help teens see the power of a relationship with God.

Session 2: Tying together truth and experience

As we frame all sorts of experiences for our teens, we can help them make sense of who God is and answer their questions.

Session 3: Connecting to God – prayer

Communication is at the heart of every authentic relationship so our teens need to discover their own voice as they communicate with God and learn to catch his communication too.

Session 4: Unknotting wrong views of God

Teens have multiple voices telling them who God is and, like all of us, they may develop wrong views that affect their relationship with him. We can help them spot and unknot wrong views.

Session 5: Teenagers and church

Getting our teens to engage with church is not just about Sundays. We can show them the fullness of church and help them to engage with it whatever their situation.

Session 6: A godly core of confidence

Teens often struggle with confidence because they are hearing the wrong messages about where confidence comes from. We can proactively help them grow a godly confidence that will set them up for life.

Download the Parenting Teens course

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Teenage Girls at Youth Club by SolStock via Canva Pro