Ages and stages

As our children grow and change we discover new seasons of parenting for faith. The principles remain the same, but how they work out in practice may look different. Here you’ll find articles and videos focussing on specific age groups, as well as what family life is like when you are parenting alone. If you are facing a particularly tough season, our change and challenge topics may be helpful.

To select which age or stage you’d like, please use our drop down menu below.

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Session 6: A Godly core of confidence

Teens often struggle with confidence because they are hearing the wrong messages about where confidence comes from. We can proactively help them grow a godly confidence that will set them up for life.

Session 5: Teenagers and Church

Teenagers and church. Getting our teens to engage with church is not just about Sundays. We can show them the fullness of church and help them to engage with it whatever their situation.

Session 4: Unknotting wrong views of God.

Teens have multiple voices telling them who God is and, like all of us, from time to time they will have warped views that affect their relationship with him. We can help them to untangle warped views.

Session 3: Connecting to God – prayer.

Communication is at the heart of every authentic relationship so our teens need to discover their own voice as they communicate with God and learn to catch his communication too.

Session 1: God’s plan for teens

An overview of how teens differ from children, the role of parents and carers and ‘creating windows’ – a simple tool to help teens see the power of a relationship with God.

Image by Tiffany Good from Pixabay