
As church leaders you are on the great adventure of ministry and your children come with you. What will help them get through the adventure well is a strong connection with you, because everything flows through connection. We want our children to feel connected to us, not just in the happy times or just when you are present, but in the actual midst of ministry. This is covered in full in chapters 1 to 3 of Parenting as a Church Leader, and you can watch this session of the course in the Parenting as a Church Leader Facebook Group.

There are many ways in which we connect with our children and teens. On this page, we’ve posted answers to questions that people have asked on Parenting as a Church Leader training days.

I’m finding it really hard to know what’s going on for my child

Helping kids process moving house because of the job

What’s connected look like for pioneering rather than traditional leadership?

My kids find me embarrassing when I lead

When I’m leading I never pick my own kids – is that fair?

My child keeps interrupting me as I lead

Sometimes other children need to sit with me, but my children do too

Staying connected to a child whose sick sibling needs more time and attention

Connecting with an angry teenager

How to honour a child whose love language is gifts – without spoiling them

Do children’s love languages change?

How old do kids have to be for you to see their love languages?

Love languages and teens who don’t want to connect with you

I don’t want to play with my kids all the time, but I do want to stay connected to them!

A 12 year old who is too busy when we want to connect, but then wants time when we’re not free

With older children can I just ask them what their love languages are?

Should we shield younger children from church conflict when it’s impacting us?

For posts relating to other topics covered on the day see:

Prioritised     Covered     Empowered


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