The Course

8. Helping Children Connect with Church session video

Watch the session video for Helping children connect with Church in the Parenting for Faith course. If you would like to download the session, please fill in the form below and we will send you a link to the session.

Helping Children Connect with Church is the eighth session of the Parenting for Faith course.

For most Christians, getting our children to church and hoping they love it occupies a large part of our brains! But our kids don’t always enjoy church and often don’t want to be there, and we can feel powerless to help them engage.

In this session we will look at how we can help our children grow in the biblical values of what church is and their place in it, so they feel connected, powerful and loved in their communities.

If this is your final session, we would be so grateful if you’d take a moment to fill in this quick survey and give these feedback forms to the people who attended. This really helps us to making the course better.

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Group of people © City of Overland Park licensed under CC BY 2.0 / cropped


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