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Your name and church
Rachel Ridler, Legacy Church, Doncaster

How did you use the Parenting for Faith materials?  
We used the materials at our Parents Lifegroup which meets on a Wednesday Morning. As it is a session that runs with babies/toddlers there we find it hard to watch videos, so we shared the link via our whatsapp group and all watched it in advance. We then discussed the sessions in our meetings together (over the noise of 4-10 kids!)

What day and time did you choose and how often?
Every other Wednesday – it took us a while to get through all the sessions as the summer holidays got in the way!

Why did you choose to use the sessions like this?
It fitted well with our group and meant we could all watch the videos in advance so we were ready to discuss it at the small group meeting.

Did you have to adapt the material to make it work for your sessions? If yes, can you tell us what you did?
Not really – I tried to use the workbooks and questions in there, but a lot of women forgot them after the first few sessions. The questions were still helpful and provoked discussion.

What went well?
All the mums said that it had really challenged them and given them so great new ideas on how to share their faith with their kids.

What didn’t go so well?
Some mums didn’t always get a chance to watch the videos in advance with their busy lifestyles. It was also hard running it over the noise of kids, but that couldn’t be helped!

Would you use the material like this again?

Do you have any top tips for others who might want to use the sessions like this?
Make sure as the leader you remember to share the video link with your group well in advance so all the mums have time to fit in watching in (some watched it during night feeds with their babies). Whatsapp was a great way to do that and share stories of how we were putting it into practice during the time between meetings.

You can read more of Rachel’s thoughts on doing the course on her blog.