Different ways to engage kids and teens with worship

4 March 2024

Worship is commanded in the Bible, but can sometimes be a pain point for our children and teenagers.

Some don’t like worship music, some are conscious of their breaking voices, and others simply don’t like to sing.

So how can we – as parents, carers and leaders – broaden our young people’s understanding of worship as something wider than just music? How can we inspire awe in them, so that they learn to praise God in different ways and contexts?

In this pop-up small group, designed for parents and carers, Becky Drake from Worship for Everyone chatted with Parenting for Faith’s Becky Sedgwick about how we can redefine the definition of ‘worship’ for our children, and some practical ways we can inspire worship in our family life at home.

Watch here:

Handout – including notes and discussion questions

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