Messing up but not giving up

16 June 2023

As parents, we will often find ourselves clearing up our children's messes. But we'll also likely make a few of our own! What does God say to us when we mess up?

In this episode of the Parenting for Faith podcast, Anna interviewed Karen Allen about how we can persevere through our mistakes, flaws and failings – messing up, but not giving up – and how we can pass this attitude on to our children.

Karen is a renowned author, inspirational speaker, preacher, teacher, content creator and transformational leader whose passion and purpose includes the empowerment and development of others. As part of her life’s mission she is committed to challenging the norm and changing the narrative as it relates to young people and in particular black men. Karen is also the proud mother of five phenomenal human beings.

Listen here:

– Find out more about Karen Allen
– Buy “Broken into Useful Pieces”
– Buy “Thou art the man” (scroll down)
– “Being God’s Child” by Anna Hawken (BRF, 2023)

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