Parenting as a church leader

Parenting when you are also a church leader can bring up some unique situations and challenges, but there are practical things we can do to enable our families to flourish in the goldfish bowl of church life.


pacl course

Our Parenting as a Church Leader course is exclusively designed for all those balancing family life with vocational ministry, whether you’re in church leadership or married to someone who is.

It’s entirely free to view, and freely accessible on our dedicated website, so you can watch at a time convenient to you.

You can also run a course (in person or online) for your church leadership team, region or denomination. Do get in touch if you’re doing this – we’d love to pray for you and support you.

Read the book

PACL book

Parenting as a Church Leader written by Rachel Turner, is based on years of research and experience in church leadership, and explores four practical things to think about when you are parenting and in leadership.


pacl fb group

Join our dedicated Facebook community* to ask questions and share experiences with people in similar situations. You can ask anything, big or small, and problem-solve whatever you’re facing together.

We at Parenting for Faith are here to support you too, so if you have questions for us, or specific resources that would be helpful, just get in touch – we’d love to help.

*Please note to keep this a safe space, you need to answer three quick questions before being admitted to the group.


All the questions that church leader parents have asked us at past training events have been popped on the following pages:

Connected Prioritised Covered Empowered

Join us

These videos and handbooks are free, as we want as many people as possible to benefit from Parenting for Faith.

If you have appreciated these free resources, we would ask you to consider ‘paying it forward’, by making a donation, big or small, to enable another person to benefit. You can also become a Friend of Parenting for Faith by donating £2 a month or more.

Thank you so much for joining with us as we seek to resource church leaders.

Read related articles

1. Connected

We want our children to feel connected to us, not just in the happy times or just when you are present, but in the actual midst of ministry.

2. Prioritised

Church leaders’ children and teens need to feel prioritised: valued, important, and safe and secure in your affection and love.

3. Covered

There are things we can do to cover church leaders' children, and to protect them from scrutiny.

4. Empowered

We long for our children and teens to go on their unique faith journey and have their own adventure with God. Both the discipling that happens at home in the everyday and the influence of the church community that wraps around the family are vital for this.

Preaching © Lee Turner licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 / Cropped & Scaled