An Advent devotional for families

16 November 2023

We often get asked for Advent resources, so this year we decided to produce one!

Usually we’re hesitant to provide ‘resources’, because many of them can remove the job of discipling children from parents. We at Parenting for Faith believe that the parent/carer is perfectly positioned to help their child meet and know God, and we want to equip you to do this, not take that privilege away from you.

God’s Big Story in Advent, Advent devotional for families

So this Advent devotional, ‘God’s big story in Advent’, is a little different. Yes, it will take you through the big story of the Bible, so that your family will understand the impact of Jesus’ birth and life on earth. Yes, it is a resource you can pick up and use every day, or every few days, or however it suits your family.

But it’s also a resource which gives you and your children skills in how to read the Bible. The approach used is one you can apply to any Bible passage.

It is our hope that after Christmas your family will not only have drawn closer to Jesus, but that you will be excited and inspired to explore other areas of the Bible together, using the techniques you’ve pick up from this Advent devotional.

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Our Advent devotional has also been translated into Danish! You can download it below.

Download the Danish translation