Chapter 3: A shepherd’s tale – God as our shepherd
The Bible describes shepherds as people who go ahead of the sheep, guiding them with their voices, finding what they need, and looking for them when they are lost. We can trust that God himself, like a good shepherd, will guide us through, even when we can’t see what’s next.
See stories from Becky and Rachel below.
When a family didn’t know what to do, God led them down a new path.
Two years ago my daughter had an operation, but afterwards suffered a lot of pain. The surgeon wasn’t very helpful – he just kept saying he wasn’t sure what was wrong, but they could open her up and have another look. We didn’t know what to do, having a second operation just to see if there was anything wrong didn’t seem to make sense. We prayed about it and then had the idea to get a second opinion – our prayer was that we’d just know what was wrong, because until someone told us, we couldn’t know what to do. We chose a consultant, but then he wasn’t available so we saw there was someone else at that hospital who also looked good. So we made an appointment with him. We sent over all the x-rays and scans, and as soon as my daughter walked into the room, this consultant told her exactly what was wrong – something the first surgeon had missed completely. It felt so like God was in charge! And then it turned out that this consultant was the leading authority on this condition in the whole country and he offered to perform surgery on my daughter to fix the problem. It was once we’d heard God say go and get a second opinion, we were following a trail of his footprints, and it’s been brilliant.
Rachel talked about how God was like a good shepherd when she moved countries.
Back view photo of shepherd walking his flock of sheep in grass field by Ekrulila from Pexels via Canva Pro