What does it mean to be God’s child?

5 May 2023

Jesus said that to enter the Kingdom of heaven, we were to become like little children. But why do we find this so hard?

In season 6 of the Parenting for Faith podcast, we chatted to different guests about the ten key ideas found in Anna Hawken’s forthcoming book Being God’s Child.

For episode 1, to introduce the idea, we spoke to Toro Olusegun, single mum of three, about what it means to relate to God in a father-child relationship. Toro (‘Lady Tee’) is an independent social worker, trauma coach and founder of the Whole Woman. She’s a good listener, an encourager, a passionate woman of God who, having faced her fair share of life’s curve balls, encourages others to live with courage, resilience and hope.

The vision of The Whole Woman, Toro’s ministry, is about wholeness, rebuilding and restoration of single mums. It equips single mothers to rebuild their foundations so that they can identify their capabilities, maximise their potentials and be whole, in order to raise children who thrive.


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