Seeking parental love, comfort and protection

16 June 2023

All of us need parental love, comfort and protection - and our Father God longs to give it to us.

To chat about our need for love, we welcomed Dr Naomi Graham onto an episode of the Parenting for Faith podcast.

Naomi is founder of Growing Hope, a charity which offers free therapy to children with additional needs, as well as support to their families, all through the local church.

We all seek parental love, comfort and protection – but sometimes there are challenges to experiencing that. Naomi chats about these challenges, as well as the huge lessons to be learnt from our children about how we relate to God and seek his love too.

Like all our episodes this season, today’s conversation is loosely based around a chapter from Anna’s insightful new book, Being God’s Child. Due for release on 21.7.23, you can pre-order it here.



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