Adult children

Whether adult kids have never left the nest, or they are on the other side of the world, parents are still incredibly significant in their children’s lives. We can parent our adult children for faith just as much as we can our tiny tots. Here you’ll find stories and articles about what that might look like in your family.

When your child walks away from faith

13 Nov 2023
When we have prayed for our children to come to know Jesus for themselves, when we've nurtured their faith and created opportunities for them to grow, it can feel devastating when they make the decision to turn away from Jesus. But there is always hope.

Preparing our young adults for university

03 Aug 2023
Whether or not a young person currently identify as a Christian, the student experience offers fresh opportunities to discover their own path of faith, exploring different churchmanships and worship styles, and meeting others whose enthusiasm about Jesus can be infectious.

Image by brfcs from Pixabay